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How To Make a Telescope

Beside you can make camera, you can make camera too. Telescope are often used by the scientists to see far objects to make them look closer. Even telescope taht you make look like the first telescope made by its founder, Galileo. Do you want to know why?
Tools and materials that you need

  1. The large and smal round lenses
  2. The washers
  3. A piece of cartoon
The steps:
  1. Prepare the carton and magnifying glass
  2. Make two cylinders of carton that have different size, two lids of large and small cylinder as the place to put the lens. Put the together tools and materials that you have already prepared as shown on the picture.
Now use your telescope to see bird in a certain distance. Can you see it? To make the shadow look clearly, set the distance of focused lens by sliding the large cylinder. Does the object look bigger? Why the shadow becomes upside-down? How does the light make the shadow in your lens?

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